One Of A Kind

Block 22 – Something Special.   A truly unique basket block that is just looking for items to fill it!  What fills your basket?   Flowers, fruit, plants, pastries, books, and/or good wishes to give to a friend? 

Baskets have been a staple through history as a household tool, so it is no wonder that quilters recreate this essential item in their quilts.  Wow! An essential item – hmm?  If we are thinking essential items, maybe you would put TP in your basket.  Yes, that spikey handle just might be the deterrent to protect its contents! 

By careful color placement of the half square triangle square triangles, it helps to create the delightful woven basket look.  Find the pattern link and a sample here:

Block 22 – Something Special


I have a shelf in my sewing retreat room with baskets at the ready for whatever occasion.  I’m feeling like taking one down and filling it with some fabric for a new hand sewing project that is portable.    Maybe I’ll do some applique baskets, who knows? 

Enjoy your basket making, and we’ll be back again tomorrow.

Happy Stitching!

Bluebird Janet